Today we are going to meet Dr Meghan Walker, The founder of commission business labs the producer of the impact podcast. Now she's adding author to her already impressive credentials with the launch of a brand new book in September 2022 entitled impact medicine. How does she do it? And how does she ensure she is at her best every day for her clients, her team and her family?
We asked Dr Meghan Walker to share her personal self care routine with us.
You have said that our current model of care delivery is broken. How is it broken?
We have created practices focused on holistic health and prevention but based on a model that was designed to manage disease. Part of the outcome of that is an epidemic of burnout and bankruptcy.
Practitioners should be able to build a practice that has impact - and generates the kind of income that is in line with the risk and effort it takes to succeed. Part of this involves resetting practitioners' relationship with money.
Your new book is called Impact Medicine. What is it all about?
The book “Impact medicine” is a blueprint to build a sustainable practice that has impact using a new model of care. One that meets our patients where they are at.
Practitioners must build a business beyond just filling their schedule. They must leverage their time so that they are spending a portion with patients, but are also establishing a system that can be implemented not just by other associates but also through digital assets that can move patients to a positive outcome without always being 100% dependent on one-on-one visits.
How do you find balance between your family and your action-packed career
Practitioners need to address the important questions: “What's my intention around my whole life?” and, “What do I choose to prioritize with the limited time that is available to me each and every day?”
Also, having an equal partner with which to share responsibilities is critical. These are the ingredients to find a balance between family and career.
My calendar allows me to be effective and productive. The first slots filled are my family time - then I layer in everything else.
Self-care is a cornerstone of mental health. How do you reserve time for yourself
Mapping out sufficient time to one’s self is SO important. Time alone is essential in order to allow creativity and writing to flourish. Time management is critical to allow for me-time and important family functions. Doing so refreshes your energy for peak efficiency during a full work day.
Is it true you take an ice bath every morning?
Yes, I try to do this almost every day. While I'm in the shower, my ice bath is filling. I started doing this probably 18 months ago, and if I have time for nothing else, I will do a cold plunge, usually for 2 to 4 minutes. I've got a meditation that I do while I'm in the cold.
I throw in buckets of ice and it knocks me back into reality. It reminds me physically I can do things I didn't think I could do. It also reminds me of like when you stick with it, it's easier and you let it go.
What is your best advice to practitioners who are struggling with work-life balance?
It is important to move away from the perfectionism piece and to really have a degree of self-compassion. Be comfortable with the notion that some mornings are the “hot mess” mornings. And that’s OK. Accepting “imperfection” is paramount to achieving optimal work-life balance.
Key quotes
“I'm really transparent about the fact that I think you're going to have seasons where you feel like you've got it together and then I have seasons where I go, oh my gosh, I need to pull it together.”
“I want Fridays and I want one week off per month where I can focus on content creation. I can be creative. I can tap back into ideas. It's really an evolution for me where I realize my unique ability, my value proposition to my business is in my brain and in my ability to think and create.”
Dr Meghan Walker
The opinions expressed in this Nutramedica program are those of the guests and contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Nutritional Fundamentals For Health Inc.
This video is intended for licensed or registered health professionals and students of health professions only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information contained in these programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.